Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome & Course Introduction

    • Welcome Statement

    • Key Principles of Body Alignment

    • Introduction to the Art of Cueing and Language

    • How to Properly Cue the Breath for Yoga

  • 2

    The Art of Cueing & Language

    • How to Craft Concise Cues for Your Classes

    • Active Language: Action Words to Cultivate Excitement, Energy and Awareness

    • Being Present. How to "Read" Your Clients' Bodies

  • 3

    Finding the Deeper Layers

  • 4

    Basic Anatomy for Yoga Instructors

    • Anatomy Introduction

    • Terminology of Basic Anatomy

    • Bones, Joints and Ligaments

    • Muscle Forms

    • Deep Spinal Muscles (Neck/Back)

    • Muscles of the Torso & Shoulder

    • Muscles of the Lower Arm

    • Muscles of the Hip & Thigh

    • Muscles of the Lower Leg

    • Anatomy Workbook- Putting Information Into Action

    • Yoga Anatomy Resource Guide to Continue Your Studies

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    The Origin Asanas

    • What are Origin Postures?

  • 6

    The Art of Sequencing

    • The Importance of Proper Class Sequencing

  • 7

    The Asanas (Postures)

    • Child's Pose

    • Hamstring Stretch

    • Cat/Cow

    • Downward Facing Dog

    • Beginner High Plank/High Plank to Cobra/Chaturanga Dandasana

    • Beginner High Plank/High Plank, Cobra /Chaturanga Dandasana

    • Low Lunge

    • Crescent Lunge

    • Warrior I

    • Warrior II

    • Standing Forward Fold

    • Chair Pose

    • Chair Pose Twist

    • Triangle Pose

    • Reverse Warrior

    • Half Moon

    • Extended Side Angle

    • Revolved Side Angle

    • Warrior III

    • Humble Warrior

    • Prayer Twist

    • Wide Legged Forward Fold

    • Side Plank

    • Three Legged Down Dog

    • Tree Pose

    • Eagle Pose

    • Dancer's Pose

    • Camel Pose

    • Fire Log Pose

    • Seated Twist

    • Half Pigeon

    • Seated Forward Bend

    • Cobbler's Pose

    • Revolved Head to Knee Pose

    • Thread the Needle

    • Bridge Pose

    • Happy Baby

    • Supine (Laying) Twist

    • Final Relaxation

    • Namaste

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    Sample Class Sequences

    • Class Sequence Templates

    • Template #1- An Athletic & Strength Building Flow

    • Template #2- A Slower Flow (No Chataruanga Dandasana)

  • 9

    Enhancing your Teaching & Sequencing Skills

    • Class Experience & Observation Guide

    • Guiding Your Clients to Success

  • 10

    The Business of Yoga

    • Developing a Strategic Plan & Mission Statement for Your Virtual Yoga Business

    • Teaching In-Person Classes: How Studios, Gyms and Fitness Centers Hire & Pay Instructors

    • Teaching Liability Insurance. Why it's So Important.

    • Why You Need a Client Liability Waiver

    • Basics of Accounting for Yoga Instructors

  • 11

    Go Time! Launching Your Virtual Yoga Business

    • How to Start a Virtual Yoga Studio

    • Branding Your Yoga Business

    • What to Charge? Setting Your Prices.

    • Creating a User Funnel

    • Creating High Quality Live Steam and Recorded Content

    • Reciprocity: Making Class Great for Your Clients & Yourself

  • 12

    Conclusion & Recommended Media List

    • Conclusion & Recommended Media List

  • 13

    Final Quiz

    • Before you take the Final Quiz...

    • Virtual Yoga Pro Final Quiz